Iasi County Council To Start Two EU-Financed Projects Worth 8 Mio EUR

Doru Mocanu, Iasi (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
English Section / 28 septembrie 2009

Iasi County Council Chairman Constantin Simirad has announced that the Regional Development Agency North East has accepted the requests for financing filed under the projects "Rehabilitation, Modernization, Endowment of Special Schools in Iasi County" and "Integrated Ambulatory Care at the St. Ioan Clinical Emergency Hospital - Iasi," both of which were filed by the Iasi County Council.

The first project has an overall value of 30.55 million RON. Construction works on the four schools included in the project documentation will be performed in 20 months from the sign-off of the financing agreement. The second project has an overall value of 3.1 million RON and is scheduled for implementation over 12 months.

The Iasi County Council is also preparing several projects for the first round of proposals for the Romania - Republic of Moldova Operational Programme 2007-2013. A first proposals concerns the construction of an industrial park in Iasi County. The application for financing amounts to 3.3 million EUR. The Iasi County Council also has two proposals classed as 2nd Priority: "Retooling and Modernizing the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Belcesti" and "Retooling and Modernizing the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Tibanesti," each having a budget of some 900,000 EUR.

The Iasi County Council will also be a partner to several projects proposed by ten local public authorities in the Republic of Moldova.

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