Iberdrola Renovables To Build 1600 MW Wind Turbines

A.T. (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 20 octombrie 2009

Iberdrola Renovables yesterday announced the opening of an office in Bucharest as part of its ongoing effort to expand operations in Eastern Europe. According to a press release to BURSA, Iberdrola Renovables is developing a network with a capacity of 1600 MW of wind energy connecting 50 sites in Romania"s south-eastern province of Dobruja. Individual projects totalling 700 MW are already in an advanced administrative phase of deployment, the press release indicates. The Romanian subsidiary is managed by Adrian Goicea.

Iberdrola Renovables has associated with Eolica Dobruja, a subsidiary of the Swiss-based group NEK, and with the Romanian-based Rokura. In its capacity as developer, Eolica Dobruja is responsible for preparing the applications for and securing construction permits.

After the end of the development phase, the wind turbines will be built and managed by Iberdrola Renovables. The project will be connected to Romania"s power grid via a newly built 400 kV station in Tariverde, Cogealac.

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