IN TWO DAYS "Petrom" rose 5.88%

CRĂIŢA SIMIONESCU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 februarie 2012

"Petrom" rose 5.88%

The shares of "Petrom"(symbol: SNP) rose 5.88% over the last two trading session, as the BET index, which tracks the top ten most liquid stocks, rose more than 1% a day. At the end of yesterday's session, the shares of SNP reached 0.36 lei/unit.

Even though the rise of SNP was bigger than the average of the market, some brokers think that the positive evolution is the result of the market's favorable context, whereas others think that the explanation lies with the dividend expectations for last year, or with the expectations that the price of oil will rise.

On Wednesday, "BURSA" published an interview with Mihai Macsim, the general manager of the Romanian Russian Chamber of Commerce and Trade (CCIRR), who said that the Russians were interested in acquiring the assets owned by OMV in Romania, which was however not confirmed by any other sources.

Marcel Murgoci, "Estinvest": The rumors concerning the possible acquisition of the stake of OMV by the Russians is influencing the price of the stock

Marcel Murgoci, operations manager at "Estinvest" Focşani, considers that the gains of SNP come from the rumors which appeared in the press, concerning a potential interest of a Russian company to acquire the majority stake of OMV. He went on to say: "Furthermore, the overall upward trend of the market also contributed to the rise of the shares of Petrom".

Mihai Mureşian, "Intercapital Invest": The price of SNP rose along with the market

Mihai Mureşian, trading director at "Intercapital Invest", said that the shares of Petrom rose along with the rest of the market and he doesn't think there were any other factors behind the move.

Irina Creţu: The dividend expectations and the attractive valuation multiples are causing the price of SNP to rise

Irina Creţu, chief-analyst at "NBG Securities", considers that the evolution of the stock of Petrom is influenced by the dividend expectations and by the attractive valuation multiples of "OMV Petrom". See also said that investors are enticed by the expectations of a rise in the price of oil, given the uncertainty around the situation in Iran.

Mihai Nichişoiu, "Tradeville": A 26.5% rise this year

Mihai Nichişoiu, analyst for the international markets at "Tradeville", considers that the shares of OMV Petrom were quicker to react to the positive market conditions, just like other liquid stocks, thus gaining 26.5%, since the beginning of the year.

He said: "The prices of stocks listed on the BSE are correlated with the gains of the European markets, which waited for a political consensus to be reached in Athens, when it comes to unlocking the second financial aid program for Greece program, which had been agreed on principle at the end of last year".

Mihai Nichişoiu says that the rise of the stock of Petrom over the last few days is a result of the international context, as the risk of a Greek default has been removed from the picture for a while. "Under this new context, the global monetary policies remain extremely loose and as a result, the macroeconomic estimates for the second half of the year may be adjusted to the upside, especially when it comes to emerging economies", Mr. Nichişoiu said, and he went on to say: "This is a context where oil, together with other industrial commodities, is well placed for a price increase, and we have already seen Brent prices reach a 6-month high, of more than 118 dollars/barrel". In his opinion, another reason behind the rise of the oil quotes is the risk of further deterioration of Iran's international relations.

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