Increase in the Number of Recipients of Social Aid

English Section / 22 decembrie 2023

Increase in the Number of Recipients of Social Aid

Versiunea în limba română

A campaign theme and far from being settled, the issue of those receiving social assistance remains unresolved. Beyond political promises, the reality is as follows: the number of recipients of social aid (guaranteed minimum income) was 165,343 people in November 2023, an increase of 4,586 compared to the previous month, according to data compiled by the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection (ANPIS). The highest number of beneficiaries were registered in the counties of Dolj (10,665), Bacău (9,002), Teleorman (7,899), and Buzău (7,727), while the fewest were in Bucharest (271) and the counties of Ilfov (866) and Timiş (1,373). The average amount paid in November by the Romanian state to social aid recipients was 300.53 lei, with the total amount reaching 49.7 million lei. The highest average amount paid (current rights) was recorded in the counties of Sălaj (398.70 lei), Covasna (373.68 lei), Braşov (365.97 lei), and Mureş (363.09 lei). The Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) is one of the most important programs for promoting social inclusion and combating poverty. The legislative act regulating this program is Law no. 416/2001 on the guaranteed minimum income, with subsequent amendments and modifications. According to this law, the guaranteed minimum income is ensured by providing a monthly social assistance, calculated as the difference between the guaranteed minimum income level stipulated by law and the monthly net income of the family or individual.

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