Ineu Ring Road Under Construction

Paula Bulzan,Arad (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 august 2009

The Town Hall of Ineu, Arad County, has announced the start of the construction works on the town"s ring road following the organization of an international tender won by a consortium formed by Confort SA and Nemzetkozi Betonut KFT. The ring road is designed to improve traffic to and from the town as well as traffic on the roads to the north of the county on the route crossing Varfurile, Ineu and Arad.

Ineu Mayor Nicolae Mehelean commented that the ring road would also improve traffic to the Moneasa resort and other travel destinations. In his opinion, the town can develop along the ring road as land exists for developing industrial sites. Additionally, residential areas can be developed in the vicinity. The local authorities have already put up for auction plots of land dedicated to young families under 35 interested in building a home. The Town Hall will also provide connection to water, sewerage and gas.

The ring road will be a Class 3 road with two lanes of 3.5 metres each. The current value of the project is 16,949,545 RON, including 14,024,449 in eligible expenses. The project is financed via the Regional Operational Programme and is scheduled for delivery in 12 months.
