Innovative SMEs, financed with 8 million lei

English Section / 1 noiembrie 2024

Innovative SMEs, financed with 8 million lei

Versiunea în limba română

Yesterday, the government approved the granting of "Innovation Vouchers (cheques)", totaling 8 million lei, to facilitate the purchase of research, development and innovation (RDI) services from research organizations by businesses. These vouchers are part of the de minimis aid scheme "De minimis aid for Innovation Vouchers (cheques)", related to the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2022-2027, managed by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization.

Through this scheme, the Government aims to support SMEs that want to invest in R&D activities and develop partnerships with research organisations. The maximum estimated number of beneficiaries of the scheme is 250 enterprises, and the funds will be allocated annually, in the period 2024-2027, from the budget of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization.

The aim of the scheme is to improve the productivity and quality of SME products, to stimulate them to launch innovative products and services on the market and to capitalize on the technical and scientific knowledge from the national RDI system to support economic competitiveness. Also, these funds contribute to reducing the financing deficit in the national R&D sector, providing greater financial support compared to previous periods.

The specific objectives of the voucher scheme include: increasing productivity and product quality at the SME level; encouraging investments in CDI for the development of innovative products; creating partnerships between SMEs and research organizations; supporting SMEs in the modernization process through the acquisition of new services and technologies.

The de minimis aid scheme will be implemented by 31 December 2027 and project payments will be made by the end of 2030. The scheme administrator, the Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), will organize annual calls of projects to select those that will receive funding.

Through this financing mechanism, the Government aims to create a favorable framework for innovation and modernization in the SME sector, thus promoting the competitiveness and sustainability of the Romanian economy.

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