Interamerican Pensii Increases Share Capital

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 25 ianuarie 2008

Shareholders in Interamerican Pensii have approved a new share capital increase through a capital injection by the majority shareholder, Eureko BV. The pension company"s capital is therefore set to increase by 13,000,000 EUR to 31,966,000 EUR.

"We are very proud of what we have been able to achieve so far and the decision of the majority shareholder, Eureko BV to increase the capital for the second time in a very short period of time consolidates Interamerican Pensii"s image of a powerful player on the private pension market," said Besim Jawad, General Manager of Interamerican Pensii.

Following the capital increase, the company retains the second place among pension management companies ranked by share capital. Ranked by the number of customers, the company ranks fifth with 198,614. Eureko is the leader of the private pension management market in Holland and is one of the top three such players in Poland.

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