International medals for UBB students

English Section / 1 martie 2024

Photo source: facebook/UnivBabesBolyai

Photo source: facebook/UnivBabesBolyai

Versiunea în limba română

Students from the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management of "Babeş-Bolyai" University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca won a gold and a bronze medal at the international case study competition in Madrid. According to the educational institution, the performance is unique: "Between February 18-23, 2024, the international case study competition organized by IE Business School in Madrid, Spain took place, consisting of two separate competition tests, one test which took place on during one week, respectively one of 24 hours. The team made up of the students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management at UBB achieved a unique performance in this competition, being the only team that qualified in the finals of both tests, ranking the the highest step of the podium in the first test, respectively obtaining the third place in the second test of the competition". The team was made up of students Antal Andras (Finance and Banks, 3rd year), Bugar Anna (Finance and Banks, 3rd year), Kovacs Kata (Finance and Banks, 3rd year), respectively Tofalvi Krisztian (Economic Informatics, 2nd year). The students were accompanied to the competition by prof. dr. Szasz Levente, team coordinator, being prepared in collaboration with lect. university Dr. Racz Bela-Gergely and associate professor Dr. Gyorfy Lehel. According to the quoted source, in the first test of the competition, the participating teams had the task of developing a short-term and long-term strategy for the company Sushita, a chain of restaurants in Spain, and the second test consisted of developing a strategic plan for the Radisson hotel group for the purpose of its expansion in the Asian region. According to UBB: "The team from Cluj competed with universities from the USA, Germany and Mexico in the preliminaries of the first round, qualifying for the final of the competition where it managed to climb the highest step of the podium, ahead of the hosts from IE Business School (Spain), respectively the student team from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Germany). This test was followed by a round in which the teams had only 24 hours to develop solutions, and the team from Cluj once again demonstrated a solid performance, winning the preliminary group against student teams from Spain and Mexico, ultimately taking third place in the competition.This event was won by BI Norwegian Business School (Norway), with second place going to students from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business (USA)". Professor Szasz Levente, vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management, team coordinator, said: "Every time we participate in such prestigious international competitions, it is gratifying to note that the quality level of the educational act within UBB allows our students to compete on an equal footing with student teams representing top global universities and we even manage from time to time to rank on the podium of these competitions. This time the organizers from Spain noted the fact that UBB was the only university that had a constant performance, managing to rank on the podium in both tests of the competition. This consistent performance is all the more remarkable, as the performance of the student teams is judged by a panel made up of representatives of the business environment and the global academic environment". It is important that in the near future this knowledge is translated into practice and on the plan local.

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