Iuliu Stocklosa, president of CCIB: "The main objective of the country - the recovery of economic gaps compared to the average of the EU area"

English Section / 1 decembrie 2023

Iuliu Stocklosa, president of CCIB: "The main objective of the country - the recovery of economic gaps compared to the average of the EU area"

Versiunea în limba română

105 years after the Great Union, we need, once again, to follow the example of our predecessors and put the best of each of us - managers, entrepreneurs, politicians, specialists in various fields of activity - at the service of an objective major: the recovery of the economic gaps compared to the average of the EU area, is the main message sent to the readers of the BURSA newspaper by Iuliu Stocklosa, the president of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Mr. Iuliu Stocklosa states: "More than ever, we need a strategy focused on capitalizing on our competitive advantages, on the efficient and responsible use of the resources we have at our disposal, including the European funds available through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, simultaneously with the restoration of balance at the level of certain economic and social mechanisms. It is time for such a strategy aimed at an investment-based development model to be assumed by the entire political class and remain a priority regardless of the color of the Executive and the Legislature. Romania can be an economic force of Europe with some conditions. First of all, to pay attention to investments in key areas: infrastructure, the energy field (especially in the segment of energy obtained from renewable sources) and in agriculture and the processing industry of agro-food products, without neglecting information technology and communications. Secondly, to ensure the stability and predictability of the legislative framework, especially in the tax field, which allows us, business people, to implement our ideas and projects and makes Romania an attractive destination for foreign investments. Thirdly, there is a need for the real reformation of the public administration through the digitalization of the activity, the interconnection of databases, the simplification of the legislation and the change of the mentality of the officials in the sense of orientation towards the needs of the taxpayer. Is such a strategy feasible? Yes it is! Indeed, the vision, conduct and consistency of decision-makers are important, but the role of the business community and society as a whole should not be neglected. If each of us does our duty, with professionalism, perseverance and above all with good faith, then our effort counts, regardless of the place we have in the huge gear that is Romanian society".

In his message, the president of the CCIB also points out that on December 1, 1918, our forefathers gave us an exceptional life lesson: they managed to temporarily give up pride, overcome differences of opinion and work together, complementing their efforts and putting - and energy in the service of a common goal - the creation of Greater Romania. His Majesty mentions that 105 years after the Great Union, industry, trade, transport and communications have developed and modernized, the landscape of banking and credit institutions has changed, research and education have evolved, the Chamber of Commerce and Industrie Bucharest which in 2023 celebrated 155 years since its foundation.

President Iuliu Stocklosa concludes: "Our institution laid the foundations of institutions without which today we would not conceive of economic life - the Stock Exchange and the Trade Register. Also, the Bucharest Chamber linked its name to the drafting of laws of great importance for the national economy. The laws regarding the encouragement of national industry, the regulation of labor relations and Sunday rest, factory and trade marks, bankruptcy, the introduction of the postal check as a cashless payment method are just a few examples that attest to the indisputable role that the Capital Chamber had in the economic development of our country. Our institution organizes the first fair of national interest, establishes the first practical industrial school, with its own dormitory for apprentices, finances higher economic education, and until the middle of the last century supports and finances commercial and trade education. Finally, I would like to thank the Bursa Press Group for the excellent collaboration, for the professionalism of the editorial team, for the idea of this special issue dedicated to the National Day and to wish all the members of the Group a happy new year, new achievements in the line of objectively informing readers about the evolution of the economy Romanian and its perspectives in a European and even global context. Happy Birthday Romania! Happy Birthday Romanians!".

