Iveco Wants to Boost Romanian Sales 50%

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 aprilie 2007

Italian utility vehicle manufacturer Iveco has estimated Romanian sales for this year at 6,000 units, up by nearly 50% from 2006 amid strong growth on the construction market, NewsIn reports.

General Manager Ionut Radu explained that the company was going for 3,600 small-, 400 medium- and 2,000 large utility vehicles. Another growth factor is the increasing demand from Romanian freight forwarders facing an increasing amount of delivery orders from Western EU countries as their rates are lower.

"Over the first two months of this year, we have seen impressing sales growth, but I do not think that the trend will maintain for the remainder of the year. However, we have good reasons to be optimistic as the construction market is taking off very fast. Just think about the number of new concrete plants and processing stations that have been opened recently around Bucharest," said the Iveco Romania GM upon introducing the new generation of the Iveco Stralis truck.

The company has already received orders for a total of 230 Stralis trucks from 2 freight forwarders. Iveco Romania markets four models - Daily, EuroCargo, Stralis and Trackker - via 7 dealers and 20 support centers.

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