Jolidon Aims For 80 Mio EUR Turnover

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 mai 2008

Cluj-based lingerie manufacturer Jolidon is aiming for 80 million EUR in turnover this year, up by more than 30% from 2007, when the company secured 60 million EUR, according to owner Gabriel Cirlig quoted by NewsIn.

Near future plans include the opening of four proprietary stores in Brasov, Constanta, Braila and Bacau by the end of the month. By the end of the year, the company will open a total of 30 stores, of which 20 in the country and 10 abroad. The surface will vary between 50 and 100 square meters, whereas the investment will range between 50,000 and 100,000 EUR per store.

At the moment, Jolidon operates 113 stores, of which 65 in Romania, 35 in Italy, 3 in Hungary and 10 in franchises in France. The latter component of the chain is scheduled to double by the end of the year. Proprietary stores currently generate 40% of the Jolidon sales.

Established in Cluj Napoca in 1993, the company has 3,000 employees and exports to many tough lingerie markets including France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, the US, Canada, Japan and Israel. The company also owns the brands Infiore and Chiaro di Luna and competes with I.D. Sarrieri, Etam and Triumph.
