KA International Romania Aims For 33% Turnover Boost

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 februarie 2008

KA International, a leading European interior decoration company and one of the largest franchisers worldwide, is planning to reach 1.5 million EUR in turnover in Romania during the first year of operations, by 500,000 EUR more than initial estimates. KA International is planning to expand in Romania through sub-franchises in the context of an increasing demand for quality furnishing. The company"s first targets are the cities where important residential developments are in progress.

Luxury furniture and decorations account for 25% of the overall market for such goods, respectively some 250 million EUR in 2008. In addition, the luxury segment is expected to grow 28% this year, whereas the overall market only 15%. In addition to the growth triggered by new residential constructions, the market for furnishing and decoration consultancy is also taking off.

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