Lafarge Ciment Renews Offer To Buy Up To 200,000 Own Shares

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 1 iulie 2009

Cosmina Capalău

Lafarge Ciment - Romania, a producer of building materials, has renewed their offer to buy up to 200,000 own shares. According to CFO Philippe Platon, the information reflects only the decision made by the General Meeting of Shareholders to authorize the Board of Directors to buy Lafarge Ciment shares from the shareholders. This type of offer has been in place for several years, but the current offer was going to expire in September. By renewing the offer, the company continues to give shareholders the option to sell their shares through a simple procedure and for a better price than before, which reflects the improvement of the company"s results until 2008.

According to him, the limit of 200,000 shares is the legal extent of the authorization given to the Board of Directors and does not reflect a specific intention to rapidly buy the respective percentage. Based on experience, the number of shares bought from minority shareholders in a given year is usually below that limit. The actual number of shares to be bought under the current offer will depend on the shareholder"s decision to keep their shares in order to collect future dividends or sell them in order to collect the value sooner, Platon explained.

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