LAWYER GHEORGHE PIPEREA HAS LEFT THE UNPIR Piperea: "The profession of insolvency practitioners - the target of a destructuring action"

EMILIA OLESCU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 25 aprilie 2016

His resignation from the executive structures of the Union is "the result of occult and illegal maneuvers", says Gheorghe Piperea

Lawyer Gheorghe Piperea has left the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners (UNPIR), and has resigned both from the position of first vice-president, as well as from the position of interim president that he held with the Union.

On Friday, Piperea said that his stepping down from the executive structure of the UNPIR was not a whim, but "the result of occult and illegal maneuvers", which "forced" him to exit the race for the presidency of the UNPIR.

The lawyer says that he does not intend to run for any position in the Union, in its September congress.

He said: "Perhaps 12 years in this position were too many anyway. It's true that I've learned a lot, that I've taught many, I've written books during these 12 years, but I missed out on many books that I could have written had I had more time, not to mention that I have deprived my family of many weekends, to go to seminars and conferences on the issue of insolvency, across the country and all of Europe.

(...) For me, this (ex)candidacy has been a mere challenge and a gesture of solidarity with a profession, that of insolvency practitioners, which has been targeted for destructuring over the last two years".

Among other things, the lawyer claims that "one of the occult maneuvers of those who have considered and consider being a part of the executive structure of the UNPIR a matter of life and death was (...) represented by blank signatures on some «mandates» which gave 2-3 people approximately 200 votes in a so-called meeting of the members of the Bucharest branch of the UNPIR, proxies obtained weeks ago.

(...) These occult maneuvers have helped impose people controlled by the NBR in charge of that branch. (...) But they haven't taken me out of the game. They have just lost a supporter, and at the same time, have «gained» an adversary".

Gheorghe Piperea is known as "the lawyer of bank customers", who defends consumers in the lawsuits brought against banks. Among other things, Piperea has drawn up the Law of giving in payment, which stipulates the discharge of loan debts once the debtor has assigned their home to the bank. The law is going to be promulgated by the President.

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