In the midst of a period of celebrating love, in the old, Romanian way, but also in the new, American way, local football is shaken by two divorces that seemed impossible quite a while ago.
The owner of CFR Cluj, Ioan Varga, found that the coach, who filled his showcases with trophies, Dan Petrescu, is "a whiner", that he "steals the current" and on this occasion invites him to pack his bags. Beyond the slightly peripheral replies and the drawing up of divorce papers, no one would have the courage to bet on the fact that Petrescu will never end up in the court of the Cluj fans again. It is possible to collaborate without love, for money and results.
In Giuleşti, the divorce is a little more violent and with more "shouts". After astonishing the local football world with the way he kept proposing himself at Rapid, Marius Şumudića began to notice, at the same time as the supporters, that there were character mismatches in this marriage. In football, love has a short warranty period, but under the Grant Bridge, great passions burn quickly and turn to ashes. After receiving several snowballs on his head and several curses in his ears during the match with FC Botoşani, Şumudića announced that he had parted ways with some of the supporters of his favorite team, practically informing us that he had lost his greatest "quality". In the "who loves the team more?" contest, the coach declared himself the winner on points, the supporters argued the opposite, and among the arguments meant to demolish Şumudića was the contract negotiation, although there would be others that were much better. Obviously, patriotic work has been abolished and it is no longer news that for far too many football is no longer a passion but a business or a simple reason for pride.