Mandatory vaccination - the expert solution for immunization and pandemic prevention

George Marinescu
English Section / 1 octombrie 2024

Mandatory vaccination - the expert solution for immunization and pandemic prevention

Versiunea în limba română

Vaccination should not be an optional choice, but a collective responsibility, said yesterday, Valeria Herdea, president of the National Health Insurance Company (CNAS), during a conference entitled "The new epidemic season: five threats to health. How do we react?" organized by DC News Media Group.

Herdea pointed out that although we have gone through a global pandemic that has clearly highlighted the role of vaccines in preventing infectious diseases, the vaccination coverage rate has dropped significantly. For example, the measles vaccination rate is currently around 70%, far from the target required for herd immunity, although according to the national vaccination strategy, approved by GD 1006/2023, an essential objective is to reach a vaccination coverage level of over 95% for preventable infectious diseases such as measles and influenza.

The president of CNAS also emphasized that, in the case of influenza vaccination, although it is free for the elderly and those with chronic conditions, the acceptance rate remains low. Many elderly people, who would directly benefit from protection, remain unvaccinated, which leads to the worsening of already existing chronic diseases. The national vaccination strategy makes it clear that protecting vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and the chronically ill, is crucial to reducing the burden of disease on the health system.

Valeria Herdea stated: "We must increase the population's trust in the medical staff and clearly convey the benefits of vaccination. In my view, vaccination should not be discussed as optional. As children, we were all vaccinated and protected, but today we have access to modern vaccines that can save lives. It is only up to us to vaccinate our children and ensure a healthy future for them".

In addition to this opinion, Simin-Aysel Florescu, the manager of the Clinical Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Victor Babeş", pleaded for a vaccination law that would more strictly regulate mandatory immunization, stating that "public health is not an individual choice". She pointed out that there is a segment of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children due to lack of information or because of personal beliefs, which endangers public health and may cause new epidemic outbreaks.

We note that the national vaccination strategy approved by the Ciolacu government provides additional measures to prevent such situations, including strengthening the legislative framework to ensure optimal vaccination coverage. The main objectives of the National Vaccination Strategy in Romania for the period 2023 - 2030 are: a vaccination coverage of over 90% for all vaccines included in the national vaccination program; a 70% vaccination coverage for lifetime vaccination in at-risk groups for vaccine-preventable diseases; increasing the demand/acceptance for vaccination of the population; maintaining the status of a country that has eliminated endemic rubella; maintaining the status of a country that has eliminated poliomyelitis; eliminating and maintaining the elimination of endemic measles; prevention of congenital rubella infection/congenital rubella syndrome.

According to that strategy, awareness campaigns, training programs for medical personnel and promotion of vaccination among vulnerable groups remain long-term priorities to prevent public health crises and guarantee the protection of the entire population. Thus, health experts call attention to the need for sustained medical education and stronger legislative efforts to increase interest and participation in vaccination campaigns, given the devastating effects of infectious diseases on vulnerable communities.

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