Marcel Boloş: ANAF, record receipts in July

English Section / 5 august 2024

Marcel Boloş: ANAF, record receipts in July

Versiunea în limba română

At the end of July, ANAF exceeded the threshold of 50 billion lei in receipts from the state budget, announced on Friday, on the official Facebook page, Marcel Boloş, the Minister of Finance. According to the official, ANAF's seven-month collection rate is still above 100%.

Marcel Boloş stated: "In the past, the main problem highlighted was that ANAF does not collect enough. A very important problem, because the financing of essential services depends on the activity of ANAF. When I came to the Ministry of Finance, I emphasized that one of our main priorities is to improve revenue collection, a vital step to ensure the financing of essential state services. There will be critics no matter what we do, but after many years things are starting to move. Digitization tools, even if I am the first to say that they can be improved in order not to make life difficult for taxpayers, are starting to produce effects that can be seen. Whether it's about voluntary compliance, whether it's about fighting tax evasion. Therefore, all those who can contribute to this topic are always welcome with us, the ultimate goal being to improve the collection activity and fight evasion, with minimal impact on the correct taxpayers".

In order to improve the activity, at the level of ANAF and the Ministry of Finance, a unique IT system will be developed and implemented that will be used by all the structures within ANAF/MF (anti-fraud, tax inspection, forced execution, tax declarations, etc.) that have competence In this regard. The new measure is provided for in the draft amendment to the Fiscal Procedure Code, put up for public debate by the Ministry of Finance and is motivated by the achievement of "an adequate internal managerial control in order to verify the correctness of the application of fines". Thus, the method of signing and communicating the minutes of contravention will be regulated. According to the proposed amendment, the signing of the minutes of contravention will be carried out: by the investigating agents - when the deed was ascertained on the ground, by the head of the ascertaining body - when the deed was ascertained at its headquarters, based on the information existing in the databases data to which he has access or that he owns, with a qualified electronic signature - if communicating through the SPV, or without signature and stamp, if communicating through the mass printing center.

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