Mefin - Sinaia Turnover Down 25%

A.A. (Tradus de andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 noiembrie 2009

Mefin - Sinaia (BSE:MEF) achieved a net turnover of 15.14 million RON for the first nine months of the year, down by nearly 25 per cent from the year-earlier period, according to a financial report released on Friday.

The car parts and accessories producer also reported a net profit of 72,444 RON for the first nine months of the year, up from losses of 93,291 RON in the corresponding period of 2008.

Revenues totalled 20.96 million RON, down by 10 per cent, whereas expenses decreased by 11 per cent to 20.88 million RON.

The company has a share capital of 13.23 million RON, divided into shares with a face value of 2.5 RON. The Cyprus-based DCI Walbridge Partners controls the company with 79.63 per cent.
