METAROM Union State Must Take Action To Prevent Social And Economic Disaster In Metallurgical Industry

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 aprilie 2009

State Must Take Action To Prevent Social And Economic Disaster In Metallurgical Industry

Cosmina Capalău

The Metallurgical Union Federation (FSS) METAROM is preparing to stage major protests to alert the Government as to the serious problems facing metallurgical enterprises and their employees. According to a press release, FSS METAROM representatives believe that "the ongoing crisis is not a circumstantial crisis, but a structural crisis. We are facing an increasing risk to slip into a full-scale recession. Under these circumstances, the State must take action to prevent a social and economic disaster in the metallurgical industry.

The unions believe that both metallurgical employees and the unions have been "abandoned by the State in the hands of aggressive business associations who are only interested in maximizing their profit." According to them, their reasons for staging street protests include the State"s lack of reaction to the economic and social problems of the metallurgical industry, the accelerated collapse of the living standard, the lack of real social dialogue and the politicians" alienation from the real and urgent problems of the country.

The list of demands presented by FSS METAROM includes the preservation of 100% of the existing jobs, the State"s involvement in the economic and social problems in the metallurgical industry, the assurance of orders substantial enough to guarantee normal production, an increase in the incomes of metallurgical employees and State intervention to reduce unemployment through concrete and relevant measures.

According to FSS METAROM representatives, if the State does not intervene on time, the risk of economic depression becomes imminent and could lead to chain bankruptcy, massive unemployment, debt default, inflation, poverty and social exclusion.

FSS METAROM will organize protests as follows:

Friday, 10 April, between 11:00 and 13:00, pickets at the Prefect"s Offices in the counties where metallurgical companies operate: Galati, Dambovita, Salaj, Hunedoara, Neamt, Olt, Cluj, Braila.

Monday, 11 April, between 11:00 and 13:00, pickets at the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance in Bucharest.

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