Millennium Bank customers can now pay their Romtelecom bills using their Internet Banking account

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 24 iunie 2009


Millennium Bank customers can now pay their Romtelecom bills without any additional cost, using the bank"s Internet Banking service. This new feature of the Internet Banking application, comes with a predefined form where clients will just fill out the invoice details and the amount to be paid.

"We intend to expand our cooperation with Romtelecom in the future", said Dana Feher, Head of Marketing and Product Development Corporate at Millennium Bank.

Millennium Bank"s Internet Banking service is available 24/7 and allows customers permanent access to all the services that they have contracted with the bank. Users have access to accounts, deposits, cards and loans, and they can make any kind of transaction - pay bills, installments and create deposits etc. The service also allows creating a predefined list of beneficiaries to which payments will be made, as well as changing the PIN and setting limits on ATM and POS transactions.

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