Millions of Euros, lost in a deal with villas and football players

Dan Nicolaie (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 noiembrie 2010

Millions of Euros, lost in a deal with villas and football players

The owner of the football club Steaua Bucuresti, is about to lose five million Euros, wit nothing to show for it. More specifically, this amount is owed by Becali to Dumitru Bucşaru on account of an older loan of four million Euros, plus another million paid by Becali for several players that were transferred from Unirea Urziceni to Steaua (Ricardo, Brandan, Galamaz, Apostol, Onofraş, Bilaşco, Marinescu). At the time when the transfer took place, Becali was extremely satisfied with the deal. The players failed to adapt at the club of Ghencea, and Becali announced that once the championship is over, he plans to get rid of them. None of the seven players was spared the criticism of their owner, and what"s more, Ricardo was the only one to make the main team.

Besides, after Steaua suffered a new setback, Gigi Becali conceded that he pretty much wasted the money: "I"ve basically thrown away five million with all these player transfers. It"s as if I had taken five million Euros, in five hundred bills, put them in a pile in the yard and set them on fire. That"s what I did. I would have been better off not buying any players".

Businessman Dumitru Bucşaru has paid off all his debts to Gigi Becali in August. The last four million Euros of the almost 9.3 million Euros that he borrowed from the owner of Steaua in February 2008, were paid by selling several players to Steaua.

At first, the loan agreement between the two had a five-year maturity, and if by March 2013, Bucşaru hadn"t paid off his debt, Becali would receive the full ownership of Comaico. Later, the terms of the agreement were revised, meaning that if Bucşaru didn"t pay Becali four million Euros by August 15th, 2010, the latter would receive a 40% stake in Bucşaru"s business.

Comaico is the company which was previously managed by the Communist party and which ran the greenhouses of the 1 Decembrie commune. On the plot of land of 100 hectares, Dumitru Bucşaru developed a major residential complex - Green City, which is set to have 4,000 homes, which would be built in several stages.

Becali is notorious for the bad deals he makes when transferring players. Many players were bought for millions of Euros, only to be later kicked out from the team or sold for a pittance. Here a few examples:

Player - bought for - transferred to another club for

Mihaiţă Pleşan - 1.2 million euros - 100,000 euros

Dayro Moreno - 1.5 million euros - 500,000 euros

Pawel Golanski - 1 million euros - for free

Antonio Semedo - 1 million euros - 100,000 euros

Ionuţ Rada - 1 million euros - 300,000 euros

Valentin Bădoi - 800,000 euros - for free

Arthuro - 800,000 euros - for free

Adrian Neaga - 800,000 euros - 100,000 euros

Dorel Zaharia - 500,000 euros - for free

Cosmin Vâtcă - 500,000 euros - for free

Andrey - 500,000 euros - for free

Carlos - 500,000 euros - for free

Marius Croitoru - 500,000 euros - for free
