Ministry of Agriculture To Discuss National Strategic Plan For Rural Development 2007-2013

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 ianuarie 2007

The National Strategic Plan for Rural Development 2007-2013 will be discussed in the third meeting of the National Strategic Committee for Rural Development. The meeting will be held on February 1 and convened by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development, according to a MAPDR press release.

Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development Minister Dan Motreanu said that the aim of the meeting is finalizing the National Strategic Plan for Rural Development, the Ministry"s intention being to have the document sent to the European Commission by the end of February.

Based on this plan, Romania will decide its policies and development actions for 2007-2013 regarding agriculture, forests, rural economy, as well as investment projects for the infrastructure, development and refurbishing of Romanian villages.

Financing will come from thge European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, as well as from the national budget, and it will amount to approximately 9.3 billion euro.

The National Strategic Plan for Rural Development sets up four major development directions: increasing competitiveness in the agriculture and forests sectors, for which 45% of funds are allotted, improving the natural environment in rural areas (25% of funds), improving the quality of life in rural areas and diversifying the rural economy (30% of funds), and developing public/private partnerships organized into Local Action Groups - LEADER (2.5% of funds).

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