Minister of Education and Research, Daniel David, had a meeting with representatives of the National Council of Students, to discuss essential aspects related to the pre-university education system in Romania, among the topics addressed, special attention was paid to the draft framework plans for high school education.
According to the ministry, the discussions led to a series of common conclusions, aimed at supporting the "modernization' of education and its adaptation to the real needs of students: supporting decentralization, so that the school and students have a greater say in the curriculum, including through a guide that supports informed decisions, thus also valuing the individualized learning plan; transversal support of subjects related to national culture, while rethinking models and programs, in order to facilitate their adequate assimilation regardless of the path; reducing the curricular load to allow for a more efficient and personalized education, according to evidence-based psychopedagogical principles; including life-relevant subjects, such as health education, media education, civic education and critical thinking, not only as learning units in subjects from the common core, but also as subjects offered through the curriculum at the student's discretion from the school's offer.
"This meeting marks an important step towards a more efficient and modern educational system, which focuses on the real needs of students and on the development of the necessary skills for the future", the ministry also stated following this meeting.