Moara Cibin to Increase Share Capital

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 iunie 2007

Shareholders in Sibiu-based milling and baking company Moara Cibin SA approved a share capital increase from 2.69 million RON to 10.77 million RON (3,25 million EUR), through cash injection, according to a report to Rasdaq, quoted by NewsIn.

Last year, the company reported a net profit of 729,000 RON, which will be mainly used as financing source. In February this year, shareholders approved Moara Cibin"s merger by absorbtion with the companies Amylon, Comcereal Sibiu, Extra Sib and Panmed.

Moara Cibin has a share capital of 2.69 million RON, divided into 26.93 million shares with a face value of 0.10 RONlei. The majority shareholder is Boromir Ind SRL, with 71.56% in the company. Moara Cibin shares are traded in the "unlisted" category of Rasdaq under the symbol MOIB.

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