MOL Will Invest 23 Mln EUR in Romania by 2008

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 aprilie 2007

Mol plans to invest 23 million EUR in Romania in 2007 and 2008. This year, the company will spend 12 million EUR in order to expand its Romanian retail network through Greenfield investments and brownfield acquisitions - 8 new stations will be opened in key locations. As for 2008, the company intends to invest a minimum of 11 million EUR to open at least 7 new stations and optimise its retail network.

Mol Romania concluded 2006 with turnover of 524,426,497 EUR, gaining 25% year-on-year, while net profit doubled, reaching 6 million EUR. The company expects similar results for the current year. The Lubricant Division has had notable results in the past few years, Mol lubricants reaching a 12,9% market share in 2006. The Group expects to reach a 15% market share by 2008. MOL Group in 2006 posted a record net profit of 1,270 billion EUR and paid out dividends worth 204 million EUR, namely 2,07 EUR/share, compared 1,3 EUR/share in 2005.

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