More moguls for the people

Make (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 26 noiembrie 2009

Let us rejoice! Sorin Ovidiu Vântu will bequeath the "Realitatea" trust to us, the Romanian people!

"It is the family"s trust, it is my legacy for the Romanian people", said Vântu for news agency Hot News.

I wonder is he going to donate it to the state?

Will he turn it into a foundation?

FWSOV - "The Foundation to Worship Sorin Ovidiu Vântu", perhaps?

In fact, the legal status of the company is a minor detail.

What matters is that it"s going to be ours.

Just like PRO TV is ours.

I think perhaps Petromidia is also ours.

I think CEC Bank will have been ours.

Come to think of it, our bright future looks like communism now: everything will be ours, just like it was supposed to be ours back then.

Of course, the earnings belong to them, but it"s just as certain that the losses are ours. Just as it used to be during communism. The system will be called "communism reloaded".

Media moguls are increasingly visible in the negotiations of the anti-Băsescu alliance.

On Monday, Dinu Patriciu met with Theodor Meleşcanu, Adrian Năstase and Sorin Roşca Stănescu, to discuss "economic measures and strategies that which Romania"s next government would implement". It"s out of the question that they decided who would control Hidroelectrica.

Yesterday, Dinu Patriciu met Sorin Ovidiu Vântu. Again to discuss "economic measures and strategies".

Most likely Dinu Patriciu will not meet Dan Voiculescu, as it well known that "the professor" - as he is called - has an IQ close to that of Geoană (with whom he is allied, as a matter of fact - after all, "birds of a feather stick together").

In order to get through to Voiculescu, Patriciu would need a body-language interpreter. Language would be no use in that conversation.

But on a different note they do have something common: Geoană becoming president would be good for the health of both of them.

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