National competition for pupils and students passionate about IT

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 martie 2024

National competition for pupils and students passionate about IT

Versiunea în limba română

Pupils and students passionate about the IT field are invited to register for the 17th edition of the iTEC national competition organized by the AC League of Students from the Faculty of Automation and Computers of the Timisoara Polytechnic University (UPT), between March 30 - April 7. ITEC is a competition dedicated to students and high school students passionate about the IT field, offering them a perfect learning framework, but also to implement the knowledge acquired during the years of study, informs UPT.

The structure of the competition includes long trials, held over a three-day interval, and a short Algorithmic trial, divided into two stages. Awardees can benefit from facilities for admission to the Faculty of Automation and Computers within the Politehnica University of Timisoara, including admission without an exam. At the same time, this test is in the regional calendar of the Ministry of National Education and is in partnership with the county school inspectorates. The long hackathon tests of this edition are Game Development, Cybersecurity, Web Development and Mobile Development, which will take place physically in Timisoara, between April 5-7.

During the competition, the participants will have specific workshops that will help them both during the competition and in the future. The project aims to create an ideal competition framework at the national level, offering the chance to compete with pupils and students from all over the country in order to obtain both a nationally recognized diploma and a material prize. Also, the competition is an environment conducive to the development of existing skills and the accumulation of new knowledge, having access to the opinion of specialists in the field. According to the organizers, iTEC offers young people the chance to interact directly with IT companies through their representatives during the competition.

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