National Museum of Romanian Literature - events on National Culture Day

English Section / 14 ianuarie

Photo source: Facebook/ Muzeul National al Literaturii Romane

Photo source: Facebook/ Muzeul National al Literaturii Romane

Versiunea în limba română

Exhibitions, debates, evenings, dialogues with readers, theater performances and workshops on museum education, scenography, comics and alternative education through performing arts will be organized, from Wednesday to Sunday, by the National Museum of Romanian Literature, on the occasion of National Culture Day. The events will take place at the MNLR headquarters on Nicolae Creţulescu Street 8 and Calea Griviţei 64-66, at the museum's memorial houses, as well as at the headquarters of its partners, the Romanian Academy and the Central University Library "Carol I', informs the MNLR. The project dedicated to the National Culture Day begins on Wednesday with a tribute session dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of Mihai Eminescu, an event that will take place in the Aula of the Romanian Academy, organized by the MNLR in partnership with the Romanian Academy, the Ministry of Culture and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The event will be addressed by: the president of the Romanian Academy, acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop, the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, acad. Ion Tighineanu, the Minister of Culture, Natalia Intotero, the Minister of Education, prof. univ. dr. Daniel David, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, acad. Mircea Dumitru, vice-president of the Romanian Academy, Mihai Cimpoi, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, prof. univ. dr. Rodica Zafiu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, the president of the Philology and Literature Section of the Romanian Academy, prof. univ. dr. Ion Marin, honorary director of the National Chamber Choir "Madrigal - Marin Constantin', founding president of the National Program Cantus Mundi, prof. univ. dr. Ioan Cristescu, director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature. The exhibition project "City of Writers. Urban Landscape in Literature Written by Women', an exercise in recovering the works and biographies of female writers active in the interwar period, will be inaugurated, on Wednesday, at 6:00 PM, at the MNLR headquarters in Calea Griviţei 64-66. In partnership with the Romanian Academy, MNLR will organize, also on Wednesday, the exhibition "Romanian Identity/European Identity' and the exhibition "G. Călinescu - 125'. At the same time, at the MNLR headquarters on Nicolae Creţulescu Street 8, the exhibition "Great Romanian Writers' by artist Adina Romanescu and the pottery and jewelry exhibition by artist Mihaela Cherciu, "Poricale', an exhibition project initiated at the MNLR by Monica Morariu, will be opened. At the headquarters of the Central University Library "Carol I', the public is expected to attend an Eminescu evening, in which Arlinda Morava and Claudiu Bleonţ will participate, accompanied on the piano by Adriana Alexandru. Rodica Mandache and Cezar Antal will present the theater show "Nina', dedicated to the writer Nina Cassian. At the invitation of the MNLR, Stere Gulea will discuss, on Wednesday evening, on the sidelines of his book, "Letter to my granddaughters', together with the writer Radu Paraschivescu. On the penultimate day of the project, Saturday, a debate dedicated to the life and work of Ioan Petru Culianu will take place, with the participation of Şerban Anghelescu, Victor Ivanovici (Zoom), Mircea Martin, Andrei Oişteanu, Horia-Roman Patapievici (Zoom), Raul Popescu. The project ends with the event "Intersections: poetry and visual arts', to which Teodora Coman, Ioana luna Şerban, Ana Toma, Floarea Ţuţuianu and Elena Vlădăreanu responded to the invitation of the hosts. Admission is free, subject to availability. On January 15, visiting the main exhibition of the MNLR at Nicolae Creţulescu Street 8, as well as the Memorial Houses of the MNLR is free.

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