Combating violence in educational institutions has become a priority for the authorities. One cannot talk about a quality education with students and teachers terrorized by aggression. The Ministry of Education has put into public consultation the National Plan to combat school violence, which aims to ensure "a safe, welcoming and supportive environment for all members of the school community". The plan covers cases of violence between preschoolers/students, cases of school staff violence against preschoolers/preschoolers/students, cases of serious student violence against school staff, cases of parental violence in the school space, cases of anti-school violence. The plan has the following directions of action: prevention of violence, promotion of well-being and cohesion of the school community, reduction of cases of violence in the school environment, management of cases of violence in the school environment and effective management of resources in order to support victims, rehabilitate perpetrators of acts of violence and returning to the condition of a safe environment in the school and improving the capacity of school staff to prevent and combat violence, in order to maintain a safe environment, favorable to learning processes and achieving school success. The national plan to prevent and combat school violence is valid for 3 years, with the possibility of annual improvement, in relation to the data and information resulting from the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. "The purpose of the National Plan to combat school violence is to ensure a safe, welcoming and supportive environment for all members of the school community (preschoolers/preschoolers/students, school staff and parents) at the level of educational units, by implementing a complex and unitary system of measures to prevent, respond and combat violence in pre-university education units in Romania," the Ministry of Education transmits. The plan is made, its application is very important.
National plan to combat school violence
English Section / 2 aprilie 2024