The Minister of Education and Research, Daniel David, drew attention to the demographic risks facing Romania, emphasizing the need for a national strategy for family health and increasing the birth rate. He stated that solutions must be based on education and scientific research, in order to prevent the negative effects of the decline in the active population. "The very existence of our nation and its well-being depend on how we resolve the situation of family health and birth rate in the future," the minister said, emphasizing that the problem is urgent and needs to be approached from a multidisciplinary perspective.
• Romania on the UN list of countries at demographic risk
The Ministry of Education announced that it took note "with concern" of the warnings of the United Nations, which include Romania on the list of countries at high risk of accelerated population aging. This phenomenon is determined by the decrease in birth rates and the reduction of the population segment of fertile age.
• Action plans: education and innovation
Minister Daniel David proposes a strategic plan structured in two directions: Plan A: Focus on family health and increasing birth rates through education, efficient public policies and support for families; Plan B: Compensating for demographic decline through innovative and competitive developments that ensure social well-being, if the main plan does not have the desired effects within a reasonable time.
This strategy is based on the results of the national project "Family Health and Birth Rates", carried out under the auspices of the Romanian Academy and in collaboration with prestigious universities in the country.
• Legislative measures and policy changes
The Ministry of Education announced that it will support such initiatives both in the line of research-development-innovation, and by promoting lifelong education. "There are already good ideas, derived from scientific research, so we are at the stage where we can propose a new national strategy in this regard," the minister said. Once implemented, this strategy could become a model for other European states facing the same demographic challenges.