Nestle Romania Sales Up 40% in Q12007

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 aprilie 2007

Nestle Romania reported a 40% increase in sales for the first quarter of the current year. The increase does not include the results of the animal food division ( the brands Purina, Pro Plan, Gourmet, Cat Chow, Dog Chow, Friskies, Darling) and Nestle Ice-Cream Romania SRL (Best, Aloma, JOE, Nestea, Top Gun, Hit, Super Vafa, Premium Vafa, Dream, Nirvana, Kiss, Kiss Familia, Nesquik, Pen, Pretty, Bruni, Fantastico, Crunch, Choco Delight, Maxi Bon, Glamour, Cool&Slim), acquired in May 2006.

In the first three months of this year, Nestle Romania reported a strong growth, between 15% and 17% in all categories and divisions, which was mainly due to the development of the company"s product portfolio, as well as the improvement of the distribution system.

The company"s portfolio also includes brands such as \NESCAFE Red Cup, NESCAFE Brasero, NESCAFE Gold, NESCAFE 3in1, NESCAFE Frappe, NESCAFE Cappuccino, Nestle Choco, NESQUIK, JOE, LION, KIT KAT, JOE Crunch, MAGGI, CHOCAPIC, CHEERIOS, CINI MINIS, CORN FLAKES, GOLD FLAKES, FITNESS, MUSLI, NESTLE, NAN).

The Swiss company Nestle, the world"s largest food company, was founded in 1866 and entered the Romanian market in 1995. Nestle Romania concluded 2006 with turnover of 120 million EUR (including Petcare and the former Delta Romania, now NESTLE ICE-CREAM ROMANIA).

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