New Framework Plans for High School: Flexibility, Decentralization and Personalized Education

English Section / 7 martie

New Framework Plans for High School: Flexibility, Decentralization and Personalized Education

Versiunea în limba română

The Ministry of Education and Research is proposing a profound reform of the framework plans for high school education, taking into account adaptability to the needs of students and the labor market. The Minister of Education, Daniel David, stated that the main objective is to develop framework plans that will remain valid for a long time and that will meet the requirements of all actors involved in the educational process.

Key principles

The Minister emphasized that the future framework plans will emphasize personalized education, which can be achieved through three fundamental principles: Flexibility - The framework plans will include adjustable components, so that teachers and students can choose the subjects and teaching methods that best suit them; Decentralization - Greater autonomy will be allowed for schools and local authorities in determining educational offerings; Teacher and student decision - Teachers will have more freedom in choosing the content taught, and students will benefit from a more diversified offer of optional subjects.

Consultation and adaptation to social and economic realities

Minister Daniel David acknowledged that the process of developing framework plans must be balanced and based on broad consultations with all parties involved. He noted that framework plans must combine both the exact sciences and the cultural and spiritual dimensions of education: "We will have to keep that balance, find those means by which science, on the one hand, and the sciences and religion, on the other, are found there. After that, you need the elements of national culture."

Education unions' reaction

Marius Nistor, president of the Federation of Education Unions "Spiru Haret", stressed that the reform of the framework plans must be based on clear principles, aligned with the current needs of society and the economy. Among these, he mentioned: Adaptation to the demands of the labor market - Students must be prepared for global economic challenges; Integration of 21st century skills - New framework plans must include critical thinking, creativity and digital literacy; Support for teachers - Teachers must receive adequate training to implement the proposed changes;

Equity in education - Equal access to educational resources and opportunities must be guaranteed for all students.

The future of the new framework plans

The Ministry of Education aims to finalize a solid proposal for the framework plans by May, which will be subject to a broad consultation process. The objective is for them to be functional in the long term and to ensure a modern educational system, adapted to current realities. In this context, Minister Daniel David stated that he wants the reform to be sustainable and beneficial for the entire society, emphasizing that his priority is education, not political career. The new framework plans will be further analyzed and adjusted according to the feedback received from teachers, parents, students and education specialists, to ensure an efficient and balanced implementation of the reform.

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