New Picioru" Gras Store Opens In The Iulius Mall Chain

Doru Mocanu, Iaşi (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 noiembrie 2009

After having inaugurated a new store in the Iulius Mall - Suceava a week before, Picioru" Gras opened their third store in the Iulius Mall - Iasi last Friday.

Picioru" Gras is a chain of stores as unconventional as their owners: Mihaela Radulescu, Elan Schwartzenberg and their son, Ayan Schwartzenberg. The "Ayan" range of apparel is designed for children between 3 months and 14 years of age. "You won"t find here any princesses or seven-headed dragons, but things that were also inspired by a fairytale, a fairytale in which the heroes are Ayan and two twin little girls," Mihaela Radulescu explained.

Special is not only the decoration of the store, but also the quality products inspired primarily by Ayan"s preferences. Mihaela Radulescu herself designs the apparel for male children. A different designer creates the apparel for female children, whereas Stefi Tex SRL, based in Suceava, produces both types.

Picioru" Gras only carries apparel made exclusively of natural fabrics of absolutely no plastic or nylon content.

The name of the store chain, Picioru" Gras (Fat Leg), is the nickname given to Ayan as a baby by his father, the businessman Elan Schwartzenberg.

Following the two stores opened in Suceava and Iasi, Picioru" Gras will open another two stores this week, in Iulius Mall - Timisoara and in Iulius Mall - Cluj, thus covering the entire chain of malls operated by Iulius Group.

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