New Private Pension Fund Enters Romanian Market

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 iunie 2007

Prima Pensie Fond de Pensii S.A., part of Slovenian group Prva, partner of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), will enter the Romanian private pension market. The company has received the approval of the Private Pension Supervision Commission (CSSPP) to set up a private mandatory pension fund (pillar II).

Prima Pensie is the seventh company set up by Prva Group in Eastern Europe. Less than three months ago, the Slovenian group was the beneficiary of an 8 million RON investment from EBRD, which will provide additional funding for the expansion of Prva Group"s pension fund and its asset management branches in Central and Eastern Europe.

Established in 2000, Prva Group is a leader on the mandatory and optional pension market in Slovenia and Southeastern Europe, operating seven branches in Slovenia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Ukraine and Romania.

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