NEXT YEAR, Interagro will have cogeneration plants with over 110 MW in installed power

Alina Toma Vereha (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 septembrie 2009

Starting in H2 2010, the Interagro group will have its own gas-based plants for energy cogeneration with a total installed power of around 110 MW. Ioan Niculae, the chairman of Interagro, said: "The value of the investment in these plants exceeds 55 million Euros. We have begun installing such plants in Zimnicea, Turnu Măgurele and Slobozia, and their output will be used by the production units of the holding. We will later install turbines in Piatra Neamţ, Făgăraş and Bacău".

He said that most of the electrical energy will be used to cover the needs of the holding, in order to streamline costs, and 30-40 MW will be sold on the open energy market. The installed units are 7 MW turbines. During the inactive periods of the plants of the Interagro group, the entire available energy will be sold on the open market, turning Interagro from a buyer into a seller of energy.

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