NICOLAE CINTEZĂ, BNR Seven banks must keep thei solvency ratio above 10%

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 3 aprilie 2009

Ana Săbiescu

According to the suggestion of Nicolae Cinteză, head of the Monitoring division of the Romanian Central Bank (NBR), seven Romanian banks have to keep their solvency ratio above 10%, as their loan portfolio has deteriorated, despite the fact that the minimum solvency ratio is 8%.

"In the case of seven Romanian banks, we have suggested they maintain a minimum solvency ratio of 10%. Their ratio has not dropped below 10%, but this recommendation comes as a preventive measure", Mr. Cinteză stated for our newspaper.

He also said that, should the situation of these banks deteriorate, they will be requested to perform a mandatory share capital increase.

The minimum solvency ratio for banks is 8%, while the market average solvency ratio at the end of 2008 was 12.34%, whereas the lowest solvency was 9.38%.

The European Solvency Ratio (RSE)

is the best known index which measures bank prudence and has the main purpose of guaranteeing the ability of the banking institutions to withstand a situation where its debtors would go bankrupt and to eliminate competitive discrepancies between the various national banking systems.

The ESR is determined as a percentage ratio between a bank"s own funds, on one hand, and the assets found in the balance sheet and assets moved off the balance sheet weighted with a risk ratio, on the other hand.
