Nine Bidders for Hidroelectrica"s 17 Micro Power Plants

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 23 mai 2008

ydro power company Hidroelectrica has put up for sale 17 micro hydropower plants and is hoping to collect over 50 million EUR for all of them, General Manager Traian Oprea told NewsIn. He added that nine companies had submitted bids in this respect: Romania: Romenergo SA, Holcim SA, ISPH SA, Electromagnetica SA; Italy: Co-Ver Energia SRL and Consorzio Lavoro Energia; France: Maia Sonnier; Germany: EnBW AG and Austria: Wienstrom GmbH.

The bids will be analyzed and shortlisted by 3 June 2008. Besides these units, Hidroelectrica has another 60 micro hydropower plants, which will be put up for sale in the second half of the year.
