Nine Individual Shareholders Leave UTI Group

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 ianuarie 2007

Nine shareholders have decided to leave UTI Group, a provider of integrated security, IT&C and civil engineering solutions. UTI has four divisions - Security Systems and Services, IT&C, Military Systems, Installations & Constructions - and offers turnkey solutions for a variety of civilian and industrial customers. According to Monitorul Oficial, Daniel Mihai Gradinaru cedes 800 shares, Petrus Adrian Candea cedes 1,000 shares, Maria Badoiu - 500 shares and Mihai Ianciu - 500 shares to UTI Systems SA. Stefan Viorel Luta cedes 10 shares in UTI Instalare si Service SRL, Gabriela Simona Dinca cedes 8 shares, Ildico Nyiri Marioara Jitea and Emilian Florin Ionescu cede 10 shares each to UTI Holdings BV Holland. Following these moves, UTI Systems SA is controlled by UTI Holdings BV with 99.9987%.
