Old book exhibition at the Palace of the Princes of Transylvania

English Section / 9 mai

Old book exhibition at the Palace of the Princes of Transylvania

Versiunea în limba română

Hundreds of years old books, including the first Romanian version of "Description of Moldova", by Dimitrie Cantemir, printed in 1825, and "Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to his son Teodosie", printed in 1843 at the College of St. Sava, can be seen until May 19 at the Museum of the Palace of the Princes of Transylvania in Alba Iulia. The "Roots of Faith: Journey through Time and Knowledge" exhibition brings together an impressive collection of old religious books, as well as rare volumes, published between 1588 and 1856, generally printed in monastic or metropolitan printing houses or from princely courts. Visitors can see "Sermons for Lent", in two volumes, by Cornelio Musso, a book printed in 1588 in Venice, with a vintage full calfskin binding, a "Liturghier" printed in 1713 in Târgovişte, a "Minei" printed in 1804 or an "Octoih" published in 1811, both published in Buda, but also a "Ceaslov" from 1828, from Sibiu.

Among the exhibited books is an extremely rare piece, "Chronicle of the wars between the Turks and the Christians of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldova from 1592-1595", published in 1596 in Frankfurt, but also the "Kyriakodromion" or "Teaching Gospel", printed in Romanian, in 1699, in Bălgrad (Alba Iulia).

Visitors can also admire a copy of "Description of Moldova", by Dimitrie Cantemir, printed in 1825, at the Neamţ Monastery, being the first Romanian version of the work, or "Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to his son Teodosie", with the portrait of Neagoe Basarab , book printed in 1843 at the St. Sava College Printing House Bucharest. According to the hosts, the entire collection was offered for exhibition by the only auction house in Romania dedicated to bibliophilia, historical photography and documents on paper, "Historic Paper Treasures&Collectibles". The exhibits will be the subject of an auction organized at the end of May.

