Omega-3s May Slow Biological Aging

Ştiri utilitare / 7 februarie

Omega-3s May Slow Biological Aging

Versiunea în limba română

A three-year clinical trial involving more than 700 people suggests that daily omega-3 supplementation may help slow biological aging, reports an article published in Nature Aging.

The epigenetic clock

To assess the impact of omega-3s on aging, researchers used the epigenetic clock, a biochemical tool that analyzes molecular changes in the genome associated with aging. Although this is one of the most widely used methods today, the study authors acknowledge that there is still no universally accepted scientific protocol for measuring biological aging. The research included 777 people over the age of 70 in Switzerland, and the participants were divided into four groups in which they received different "treatments": 1 gram of omega-3 per day; 2,000 international units of vitamin D daily; Exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week; A combination of the three. Blood test results showed that omega-3s slowed biological aging by up to four months, regardless of the participants' gender, age, or body mass index. In addition, the combination of omega-3s, vitamin D, and exercise had the greatest impact on: Slowing aging; Reducing cancer risk; Improving overall health.

The researchers concluded that each of these interventions works through different but complementary mechanisms, having a synergistic effect on the body.

Promising results, but with limitations

While the study suggests clear benefits of omega-3s on the aging process, the authors point out two important limitations: There is no universal standard for measuring biological aging; The study was conducted only on people of Swiss nationality, which may limit the generalizability of the results

Researchers Heike Bischoff-Ferrari of the University of Basel and Steve Horvath of Altos Labs consider these results encouraging, but further studies are needed to confirm the effects of omega-3 on longevity. Previous studies have shown that calorie restriction can slow aging, and experiments conducted on animals have highlighted the positive effects of vitamin D and omega-3 on this process. This new research brings new evidence in favor of using these supplements to promote a healthy lifestyle.

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