Omniasig Reports 595.95 Mio RON In H1 Subscribed Gross Premiums

Mihaela Mihai (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 septembrie 2009

Omniasig reported 595.95 million RON in subscribed gross premiums for the first six months of the year, down by 3% from the corresponding period of 2008, according to a press release to BURSA. The value of paid claims amounted to 446.72 million RON, up by 33.61% year-on-year.

With a hefty 81%, car insurance continues to have the largest weight within the company"s portfolio. Whereas optional car insurance gained 1% year-on-year to 323.76 million RON, mandatory car insurance rendered a 0.12% decrease in the value of subscribed gross premiums to 159.89 million RON. The value of paid claims surged on both segments, by 52.61% for optional insurance and by 54.82% for mandatory insurance, compared to the corresponding period of 2008.

Omniasig also reported a 3.76% year-on-year setback in property insurance to 78.53 million RON and a 16.43% increase in general liability insurance to 8.64 million RON. Aircraft insurance surged 68.60% to 3.62 million RON, whereas cargo insurance gained 33% to 5.87 million RON. On the bleak side, travel insurance lost 18% in turnover and added 47% to the value of the claims, compared to the first six months of 2008.

Omniasig was established on the Romanian insurance market in 1995 and became a member of the Vienna Insurance Group in 2005. The company is currently a leader in non-life insurance in the country.
