"Our" candidate is ... Joe Biden?

CĂLIN RECHEA (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 mai 2016

"Our" candidate is ... Joe Biden?

The primary elections in the US are nearing the end, and results so far show that Donald Donald Trump will be the Republicans' candidate, while the Democratic Party seems ready to go all the way to make sure that Hillary Clinton stays in the race for the White House.

But what seemed like a matter of time underwent a major change of the script, as Trump is leading Hillary in the polls.

In this case we are talking about the phone calls of the former US state secretary, who violated official regulations and used her own e-mail server during the time that she held one of the most important positions in the Obama administration.

After a period of relative calm, when it seemed that Hillary's violation of the law would be eventually overlooked, the situation changed radically over the last few days, after the publication of a report by Office of the General Inspector of the Department of State. It states that the former US State Secretary "used e-mail in an inadequate manner, without complying with the methods for the logging of public documents and without complying with the policy of the ministry", according to an article in the Washington Post.

The report explicitly contradicts the numerous statements by the former State Secretary, which states that "the use of a private server was allowed and no official approval was necessary", and Hillary Clinton accused the institution that she used to lead of "anti-Clinton bias".

There are also numerous articles in the American press which state that the way Hillary Clinton managed her official correspondence can mean jail time.

In this context, and also amid the numerous international negative signals concerning the return of the Clinton dynasty in the White House, the officials of the Democrat Party have started looking for someone else for the confrontation with Donald Trump.

Who could this be? Well, the name of Joe Biden, the current vice-president, has started being mentioned especially in the US online media, but influential German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung also wrote about this "substitute" recently.

Pressured by the media, Joe Biden said, in October 2015, that he would not run, due to personal problems, and he stopped being interesting to the press.

Despite the adamant statements by Biden, American analyst Jim Rickards, the author of the "Currency wars" and "the Death of Money" books, wrote several times on his Twitter account that the current vice-president will not only be the candidate of the democrats, but also the future president.

Rickards's bio recommends him as an expert on the banking market and of the politics in the US. In the summer of 2014, he said that Joe Biden would become president in 2016, even though "many people think Biden is an idiot", as Rickards wrote on his Twitter account.

"Being underestimated is a great advantage in politics", the American analyst further wrote, reminding of Ronald Reagan, who was also considered an idiot at the time.

At the launch of his new book "The New Case for Gold" in London, Jim Rickards went to a betting office and bet 20 pounds that Biden would be the new American president.

The man at the counter was kind of surprised, as the current vice-president is not even a candidate, but he gave him 100:1 odds. "I will be back to pick up my money", Rickards then wrote on his Twitter account. Biden's odds at the London betting office fell to 50:1.

The American analyst also reaffirmed his forecast recently, on his Twitter account as well, stating that "Biden is the only democrat who can defeat Trump".

Karl Rove, former advisor to president George W. Bush, wrote in Wall Street Journal that Joe Biden or John Kerry, the current secretary of state, could be nominated as presidential candidates.

The internal regulations of the Democratic Party do not require the delegates in the Convention to vote for the candidates who got the most votes in the primary elections in the respective states. They are only asked to decide "based on their conscience".

The unprecedented dynamic of the presidential elections in the US sheds new light on the recent United States visit that prime-minister Cioloş made and his meeting with Joe Biden in the White House.

What relevance would the dialogue between a temporary prime-minister and a vice-president that is nearing the end of his term? None. But on the other hand, what significance can a meeting between a future American president and a future "someone" in Romanian politics have?

The convention of the Democrat Party will take place in Philadelphia between July 25th and 28th, 2016. Only then will we know if he is indeed "our candidate".

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