Over 1.800 Building Permits Issued In District 3

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 ianuarie 2007

The District 3 City Hall, trough issued last year 1.802 building permits for housing, offices, annexes and commercial spaces. City Hall representatives remind the public that in order to obtain a zoning certificate to build a house or annexes, several documents are required: copy oftitle deed, tax invoice, two cadastral plans scale 1/500 and two cadastral plans scale 1/2000. After the certificate is issued, one must bring in the necessary documents for obtaining the building permit. According to a press release sent to the editorial office, one needs the title deed (legalized copy), intabulation certificate, project for obtaining the authorizations, all the permits required through the zoning certificate, certificate (copy), contract with a utility company, legal permission of the neighbour or the co-owners and the tax invoice.

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