Over 7% of the stock of Carpatica Bank changed hands yesterday

Adina Ardeleanu (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 mai 2010

Shares of Banca Comercială Carpatica (BCC) were the most traded in yesterday"s trading session of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with the turnover amounting to 7.25% of the bank"s share capital. The 165.3 million shares were sold for a price of 16.86 million lei, putting the bank"s market capitalization at approximately 232 million lei.

Some brokers think that Alin Albu, who last year inherited 10% of the bank, is behind yesterday"s sales. Of the bank"s insiders, only Florin Tugneanu had reported the acquisition of 200,000 Carpatica shares, by the time the newspaper had gone to print.

Most of the trades took place around 14.30, followed by a 1% rise of the price, and later causing it to drop, with the closing price being 0.0995 lei/unit, 2.45% below the opening price.

Liviu Avram, Equity Sales Manager of the equity markets division of "Piraeus Bank", said: "Investors will most likely continue to watch BCC stock carefully in the near future, especially if changes in the shareholder structure were to occur, given the latest unconfirmed rumors about a takeover of the bank".

The bank has a share capital of 228 million lei, divided into 2,280,764,195 shares, with a par value of 0.1 lei. Businessman Ilie Carabulea owns 36.45% of the bank"s stock, and transport company Atlassib which he controls, owns 4%.

Carpatica currently has an ongoing share capital increase. The bank"s share capital will be increased by 62.2 million lei, to 290.3 million lei, by cash payments.

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