Petrom, The Closest To Get Petrolsub. Literally

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 octombrie 2007

Four prospective bidders have expressed interest in buying Petrolsub, a refinery in Suplacu de Barcau, Bihor County. The tender book is still available for purchase until October 5th. The refinery management commented that the business would be particularly profitable for OMV - Petrom. "Petrom is located just 1,500 meters from the refinery. Practically, the oil would not require railway transportation to Pitesti, which would drastically decrease costs. People in Bihor pay for the cost of moving the oil to Pitesti and back, which would mean that the end-user price could decrease, if transportation were no longer necessary," said Petrolsub General Manager Gheorghe Furtos.

Another advantage comes from Transilvania Highway, currently under construction. "It takes a lot of asphalt to build a highway. Asphalt is produced from bitumen, which is Petrolsub"s main product," he said. According to him, the former 400 employees of the idle refinery could easily be hired back because they have not yet moved from the area.

Nevertheless, contacted by Ziua, Petrom representatives said the company had no interest in buying Petrolsub. "We already have two refineries with a capacity of 8 million tons. We need to import oil to keep the refineries going," they said.

Reader's Opinion ( 1 )

  1. PETROM nu a dorit nicio data sa falimenteze rafinaria PETROLSUB (capital integral privat) ca sa o cumpere ulterior . Evident, stiau ca rafinaria nu poate sa prelucreze numai titei SUPLACU furnizat de PETROM iar marirea pretului,mult peste valoarea reala, trimite rafinaria in faliment.Actionarii trebuiau sa se gandeasca si la varianta aceasta.

    Si ce daca, administrata 3 ani de PETROM de data aceasta ,rafinaria si-a dublat datoriile fata de...PETROM. 

    Este cert insa ca PETROM nu vrea sa cumpere rafinaria........Bucuria ca nu este nimeni cine sa rascoleasca este prea mare.Si totusi...
