Philip Morris backs the raise of the minimum excise for cigarettes

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 26 martie 2009

Cosmina Capalău

By advancing the scheduled increase of the cigarette tax, the state will face both an increase in criminality, as cigarette contraband will increase, and the risk of not being able to increase its budget earnings by means of said excise.

Peter Imre, Corporate Affairs Director of "Philip Morris", one of the major players in the Romanian tobacco industry, said that, in his opinion, "Overall, the State will encourage contraband as well as lose revenue from tobacco excises".

Referring to the Ministry of Finance"s decision to increase cigarette excises starting April 1st, he said that, if representatives of the Ministry feel this is the best course of action, "they are within their right to do so". Mr. Imre said that, from his point of view, "the Ministry and the Government should use the two levers at their disposal to secure their revenues, - one is the minimum excise, which should be increased, and the other is the percentage rate of the excise, which should be reduced".

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