Pirelli Factory In Slatina Made 2 Mln Tires In First Year

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 29 mai 2007

The Pirelli facility in Slatina, Romania, will conclude the first year in business with an overall production of 2 million units and is planning to double this figure in the second year. The facility comprises a metal cord factory (a 40 million EUR investment) and a tire factory (an initial investment of 170 million EUR). The two factories will have created a total of 1400 jobs by the end of 2007. Approximately 90% of the output is exported.

In end-2006, Pirelli and the Gorj County authorities signed an agreement under which Pirelli will build a factory to produce eco filters for Diesel engines. The factory will be inaugurated in mid-2008 and employ some 400 people. Pirelli has also signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Craiova to stimulate high-tech research and to have the university train students in Pirelli"s areas of interest.

