Pit Coal Subsidy Must Be Extended To 2018

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 noiembrie 2007

Monica Iacob - Ridzi MEP yesterday sent an open letter to Economy Minister Varujan Vosganian indicating the problems confronting the National Pit Coal Company (CNH) in the absence of a budget rectification. The MEP believes CNH continues to lag behind in terms of technology and production. As per an energy sector strategy, CNH should have been included in an energy group together with the power stations Mintia and Paroseni. However, the initiative has not got past the draft phase. "Under these circumstances, further solutions need to be sought, considering that State aid for the pit coal mining industry will end in 2010," she wrote.

The MEP asked for an extension of the subsidy timeframe until 2018. "To any realistic person, it is obvious that Jiu Valley will still be dependant on State subsidy in 2010. This deadline needs to be extended urgently, at least to 2018, just as Germany has," Mrs. Iacob - Ridzi wrote.

