Political movements before the PSD Congress

George Marinescu
English Section / 12 august 2024

Photo source: facebook / Gabriela Firea

Photo source: facebook / Gabriela Firea

Versiunea în limba română

The leaders of the Social Democratic Party have already begun to announce their desire to occupy certain positions in the future leadership team of the political formation that will be elected at the Congress that would take place on August 24.

The European deputy, Mihai Tudose, vice-president of the PSD, announced on Friday that he has submitted his candidacy for the position of president of the party's National Council, a position currently held by MEP Vasile Dâncu. The PSD National Council is a platform for analyzing and developing programs within the PSD. The president of this internal party forum is part of the PSD management team, together with the president, first vice-presidents, vice-presidents and the general secretary.

When asked about the position of European Commissioner, Mihai Tudose said that he declined this proposal. "For the position of commissioner, I declined a long time ago. I support Victor Negrescu", said the former prime minister from the period when PSD was led by Liviu Dragnea.

Gabriela Firea also declared on Friday, after the meeting of the National Political Council, that she hopes to continue leading the PSD. She stated that she wants to find herself on the motion that Marcel Ciolacu will present at the PSD Congress on August 24, explaining at the same time what she considers to be the reasons why her desire is a legitimate one: "If we remember well , the current leadership of the PSD was also elected at a difficult time for the party. Actually, Mr. President Ciolacu, Mr. First Vice-President Grindeanu, Mr. Secretary General, Paul Stănescu, and I were the first signatories of the letter regarding the activity of the former president, Liviu Dragnea. We then assumed that political project. There were 38 of us on a list, of which many gave up keeping their signatures, we remained about 7-8, the main ones being us, the ones I listed a little above, and that's how we became the leadership of the Social Democratic Party. If someone forgets this, I will remind him".

The European deputy Gabriela Firea, former general mayor of the Capital and former Minister of Family and Youth, specified how the PSD Congress will proceed for over two weeks: "Now, practically, it is an extension of this leadership, a kind of additional act, because our mandates expire on August 22. The statute does not provide for an automatic interim leadership, and in order to have lists for the parliamentary elections, with eligible signatures and for no one to contest these lists, then, in common agreement with all colleagues in the country, within the CPN, we decided to we have this ordinary congress, with a motion, a single motion, a competition, in the sense of accepting this formula at the Congress of August 24, and I think it would be fair and with respect for the political work that we carried out then and the risks that we I assumed them then, let's continue to be together, until the next congress, when probably another type of political competition will be organized".

However, the former general mayor of the Capital does not seem sure of the place he would occupy in the future leadership structure of the PSD and wanted to mention that he has the support of the PSD organizations from five sectors of Bucharest and the PSD Organization of Ilfov county.

Gabriela Firea mentioned: "As far as I'm concerned, five sectors and Ilfov county voted for a resolution to remain in the position of first vice-president of the PSD. I think that Mr. President Marcel Ciolacu decides, taking into account our history, and the way in which we reached the leadership of the party, namely: those risks we assumed by signing a letter against what was then the way to lead of the one who was then the most powerful man in the country, who at that time was Liviu Dragnea. And I was one of the few who dared then. But our colleagues also told us, precisely because we took the risks and were few, we are legitimate to lead the Social Democratic Party. Now, if something else is desired, I can only obey, as a true colleague and a disciplined soldier, as I did in the local ones, running 3-4 weeks before the elections and not having time for pre-campaign and a serious campaign ".

Regarding Marcel Ciolacu's candidacy for PSD president and the presidential elections this fall, according to the statements of the two social-democratic leaders above, it seems that nothing was decided at Friday's meeting of the National Political Council. However, the two and several other colleagues of theirs let it be understood that Marcel Ciolacu will announce his presidential candidacy, after he will talk with each branch president separately.

Lucian Romascanu, PSD spokesman, said: "Since he has been party president, decisions have been made within the party. In the next period, Marcel Ciolacu will contact all the presidentsbranch offices. Then, depending on the respective discussions on a possible candidacy of his, the official announcement from his side will also appear. At the latest on August 22, or maybe even earlier, we will have an announcement".

He specified that CPN members submitted a resolution supporting Marcel Ciolacu for the position of PSD president.

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