Pomponio Nearly Doubles Business

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 aprilie 2008

Alba Iulia-based concrete producer Pomponio reported a Y2007 turnover of 92.7 million RON, up by 95% from 2006, and is planning to become listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE). "Our current success is the result of a number of favourable factors, including favourable weather for construction in 2007 and or important investments in opening new production facilities in Turda and Simeria," CEO Luca Anversa said.

The company paid 1.6 million EUR last year for a concrete plant in Turda and acquired another company, Investim, based in Simeria. Last year"s profit reached 11.7 million RON, up from 3.4 million RON in 2006, according to preliminary, unconsolidated data. Pomponio can currently deliver concrete and concrete prefabs on a 200 km radius from the production facilities in Cluj, Alba, Sebes, Simeria and Turda.

All the concrete plants comply with the ISO 14001 environmental standard, meaning, among others, very low dust emissions, very low noise and recycling of fresh concrete residue. The company is preparing to launch an IPO for shares equal to 25% of the share capital after an increase. At the moment, the share capital is 4.38 million RON, corresponding to a share face value of 0.1 RON. The Y2006 turnover was 47,621,306 RON.

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